
The Parish Council consists of 9 councillors plus one part-time employed Clerk.  The Parish Council meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm at Longford Village Hall (excluding January and August).

Whilst we currently have no councillor vacancies, the following documents are useful for prospective councillors:

Councillors as at November 2023:

Jim Ford (Chair) (Allotments, Finance)
Chris Byers (Vice-Chair) (Environment, Highways, Play Park)
Lynn Gough (Flooding, Highways)
Karen Doherty (Allotments, Environment, Flooding, Personnel, Village Hall)
Richard Harris (Highways, Planning)
Rosie Meek (Finance, Planning, Play Park)
Christina Young (Personnel, Village Hall)
Dawn Melvin (Flooding)
Graham Bocking (Planning)

Details of Longford Parish Councillor declaration of interests are available from Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Monitoring Officer, or the Parish Clerk.

Borough Councillors: Sarah Hands, Paul Ockelton
County Councillor: Paul McLain
Clerk to the Council: Julie Shirley

Councillor Registers of Interests:

Lynn Gough

Jim Ford

Chris Byers

Karen Doherty

Richard Harris

Christina Young

Rosie Meek

Dawn Melvin

Graham Bocking